Versus Invitational, the Jiu-Jitsu event that makes you want to improve your Jiu-Jitsu even more.
The Versus Invitational events are set for both gi & no-gi matches and give a new podium for juveniles al the way up to the masters who have proven themself to be the one to beat.
Instead of showing off your skills on the mat, your skill will be tested inside the octagon. This whole new dimension drives you to level up your game even more. Without the possibility to go out of bounce and instead use the framework of the octagon to change positions, put pressure on your opponent or make sure you hold on to your superiour position the dynamic of the game changes completely.
The Versus Invitationals give atheletes the possibilities to shine on a different level and make sure they show themselfs to the world of Jiu Jitsu. The organization crew of the Versus Invitationals has years of experience and is eager to make sure the athletes get the best possible circumstances to display their Jiu jitsu.
Those who are directly invited by the team of scouts have proven themself to be able to make a show of their fight and push the pace while competing. Those who are knocking on the big door can qualifiy by becoming a Versus Contender winner.
The Versus Contender series brings forward a whole new opportunity for those who want to prove that they are ready to compete with the best athletes out there.